Candle Care

Sculptural candles are great as a decorative feature, however should you wish to burn them for short periods of time please adhere to the following recommendations. 

First Burn

The first time you light the candle, please let it bur for an hour and an hour and a half to let your candle create a sufficient melt pool, but no more than 2 hours at time, and remember to trim wicks before each burn.

Light your candle in a well-ventilated room, away from drafts or fans, which can cause soothing, uneven burning

While Burning

Don't leave your candle unattended when lit. If you are going to leave your house or room, please be sure to extinguish the candle first.

Keep it away from, children and pets.

Don't bur your candle close to anything that can catch fire and keep it away from furniture, clothes, books and paper, flammable decoration, etc. 

Wick Trim

The first time you light our candles, please trim the wick 1/4.

Don't burn your candle until it has completely cooled. Them, trim again the wick before light it again. Untrimmed wicks lead to popping, smoking, and soot.

General Safety

  • Put your figure candle in a tray when use to burn them.
  • Place your candle on a flat surface and don't leave it unattended when lit.
  • Trim your wick in the first burn and each burn.
  • For a correct candle flame, let it bur for almost 2 hours.
  • Keep candles far from children and pets.